In 2005, amidst the buzzing arrival of Facebook, I embarked on a adventure by launching a blog known as Puppeteers Unite! It became a haven for Puppet Builders and enthusiasts, providing an array of news and valuable reference materials. The blog served as the heart and soul of the website, while The Puppet Builders Directory had its own special corner, offering lists of treasure troves for puppet-making, ranging from the finest glues to the fluffiest foams and majestic patterns. LOL
For a decade, I diligently endeavored to keep both the blog and directory updated, initially on a daily basis, then weekly, and eventually on a monthly cadence. However, as time waltzed on, the
blogging landscape shifted, and people began flocking to forums and social media platforms, leaving behind the humble blogosphere. Gone were the days when I would welcome around 50 visitors daily, with even more gracing the virtual halls on weekends. Alas, those numbers dwindled to a mere trickle, barely a visitor peeping through the site’s digital doorway once a week. Faced with this reality, I reluctantly made the tough decision to cease blogging and, eventually, bid farewell to the entire site.
Yet, here we stand in 2023, amidst a world where sourcing materials has become an ever-growing challenge. It is with a sense of renewed purpose and a touch of whimsy that I’ve decided to resurrect the Puppet Builders Directory. Though I know that its utilization may be limited, if this resource can aid even a single individual here and there, it will have been an endeavor well worth undertaking. So, with joy in my heart, I present to you the revived Puppet Builders Directory. May it bring you delight and assistance in your puppeteering pursuits.
PLEASE NOTE: I listed any AMAZON supplies under my affiliate link. Meaning that any supplies purchased using this link will provide me with a small percentage of money. I will use this monetary payment to pay for the website. I want to be very transparent in this transaction; and it is for Amazon purchases only. Any other links listed here I do not receive any monitary “kick backs” or sponsorship money.
A special thanks also goes to Katherine Hannaford for her AU links!
All links presented are not affiliated with The Creature Works Studio. Information and/or services provided are at “use at own risk” basis.
The following links may become broken overtime. If you notice a broken link or have a supplier you would like to include on this list; please contact me and let me know the item name, location and a link- any links not send in longform will not be used.
Example: Barge, Australia-
Thank you and enjoy!
Rubber Cement- CAN
Barge- Amazon
Barge- Walmart
Barge (West Coast)- Lonsdale Leather
Barge (Toronto)- Leather and Sewing Supply Depot
Barge- (Calgary)- Tandy Leather
Rubber Cement Thinner- CAN
Barge Thinner (West Coast)- Lonsdale Leather
Barge Thinner (Toronto)- Leather and Sewing Supply Depot
Contact Cement- CAN
Master Contact Cement
Renia Contact Cement- Amazon
LePage Heavy Duty- Amazon
LePage Low Ordor- Home Depot
All Purpose- CAN
UHU Clear- CAN
Fabri-Tac- CAN
Barge Rubber Cement US
Cobblers Plus CO
Best-Test Rubber Cement US
Best-Test Rubber Cement (IL)- Paxton/Patterson
Best-Test Rubber Cement- Amazon
Masters Contact Cement US
Montana Leather Company MT
Maverick Leather Company OR
Barge Rubber Cement UK
Weldwood Contact Cement UK
DK Hardware
Puppet Fleece & Bur Fab/Veltex- Canada
Weird Kid Mascots
F3 Fleece- US
Dharma Trading Company
Nylafleece & other fabrics- US
Georgia Stage
Chain Fabric Stores
Fabricland/Fabricville- CAN
Fuzzelle and Faux Fur-US
Puppet Pelts
Nylafleece/F3/Other Furs and Fabrics- UK
Puppet Things
Nylafleece and Fur-US
Monkey Boys Productions
Furaddition- AU
Faux Fur
Project Puppet- Reticulated Foam 35ppi
Jacob and Thompson Inc.- CAN
30ppi yellow .5″x52″x76″ the product number is 1793 SH YE when ordering.
Super Soft Foam
Super Soft Foam Cylinder
Medium Firm Foam Cylinders
FlexFoam- AU
Reticulated Foam-Ask for N27-30R in 13mm/.5″
Cannon Uncoated Foam Ball 8.5″- CAN
US Games Uncoated Foam Ball 4″- CAN
US Games Uncoated Foam Balls- US
Catsport-Uncoated Foam Ball 4″- CAN
Sportfactor- CAN
All different sizes
Semi Sphere Mold- CAN
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
3/32″ x 18″ Copper Clad Rods- CAN
Heat Shrink Tube- 25mm (For Handles)- CAN
Heat Shrink Tube- 1/8″ (For Rods)-CAN
Arm Rods
Rod Handles
Puppet Pie- US
EVA Foam Eyes
Furaddition- AU
Glass eyes
Velvet Pupils (.35″- 1″)
Puppet Lashes
Remember some libraries have Maker Spaces with 3D and Lazer printers!
Stan Winston School Of Character Arts- Online Course
BJ Guyer Building Series
Scott Land Mastering Marionettes Series
Chiodo Bros. Stop Motion Series
Play Soup Puppet Series- On DVD or Online
Building Video Series- “Sketch to Show”
Intro to Professional Puppet Building with Dov Manley
Become a Puppeteer Online Video Course by
Jim Kroupa Mechanisms Coach/Muppet Central Forum
Academy of the Wooden Puppet- Online Course
Canadian Academy of Mask & Puppetry
Eldritch Theatre- CAN
Acting with Puppets
Great Small Works- US
PuppetSoup- UK
Workshops for Adults
Puppets Up/PuppetCon- CAN
Puppets and Puppet Theatre (Author David Currell)- CAN